/The paranormal is always intriguing, Here’s a story sent to us by James Roffey, of New Brunswick, who once lived in the Rockdale School, just south of Cordova on County Road 48.
My parents, Frank and Louise Roffey, formerly from Pickering, Ont., purchased Rockdale School, after its closing in 1969 via an auction for the sum of $1,000.00 . Most of the contents at that time were given to old Frank Youmans , who lived just 50 yards down the road on the west side, and to Mr . WalterVan Steenburg, who I believe ended up with with the original 1869 School sign. It was plain black and white framed with only Rockdale and date. The remaining contents, the blackboards, the desks with children’s names carved into them , old metal hitching posts for the horses , remained in the school, but probably now lost to time. My parents were never much interested in history or preserving it .
Frank & son, James, 1973. Notice the outhouse at the back
My family moved into the School House that summer. I was four and my brother, Mike, 7 years old. The property had no running water and only an outhouse for the first year and a well was drilled in spring of 1972. Two more children were born while living in Rockdale, (Marion and Daniel), making a total of six of us living in the old School House.
Frank proceeded to convert the one room School House into a home and built everything by hand. Lumber was obtained at the McGregor saw mill outside of Cordova Mines. Stucco was added to the exterior over the wood clapboards in 1976.
The events were many, but one stands out that plagued me for years while at Rockdale . My bedroom was located in an addition at the rear of the Schoolhouse and in order to get to the main open living area I had to walk around a corner . Many nights (too many to recall) I would be woken up by the sounds of children playing , talking , laughing as if before school was starting . At first I would get out of my bed and just stand and listen, then I would walk around the corner to get to the living room to try and see what or who was making all the noise but as soon as I got to the corner , all the noise would just stop . This event was played out over and over and over for as long as I can remember living at Rockdale .
Frank & Louise, son Jim 1979, Rockdale school Frank and Louise are buried in the Maple Grove Cemetery, Havelock
As we became older, we had outgrown the school house, and moved to the town of Havelock Ont. in 1982. Growing up in Rockdale and the surrounding area was for the most part a wonderful experience . Being part of the transformation and history of the Rockdale School is something my family and I will always remember .
If anyone has questions or would like any further information contact me at
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