SUBMITTEDby Timothy Cowan
The Deloro Smelting & Refining Company Picture Gallery
Deloro Has Bad Fires 1918 & 1919
Marmora Herald
April 10, 1919
Marmora Herald, Dec. 12, 1918
"The worst fire in many years occurred at Deloro on Tuesday morning when the big building known as 'The Hub' was burned to the ground. It is thought the fire started from the pipe from the big range in the kitchen, but the top storey was in flames before it was discovered, and the fire spread with great rapidity. The building was very large and was a frame one with a lot of heavy timber. As a result there was no possibility of saving it when the fire got a good start.
'The Hub' was also known as the big boarding house and at times about three hundred men were boarded there. The ground floor was used as a big dining hall and kitchen while the basement was used as a store and bake shop. It was a busy spot. The total loss will be about $40,000. partly covered by insurance. The Company are finding it difficult to provide accommodation for their men.
The Company are finding it difficult to provide accommodation for their men at present, but temporary quarters have been fitted up which are serving very well. The hall and old stamp mill are being used as sleeping quarters, while the men’s club room is being used as a dining hall, a temporary kitchen being fitted up just north of it.
The Company have decided to convert the old power house into a permanent dining hall and kitchen. It is a fine brick building and should answer splendidly for the purpose for which it is designed. Arrangements are being made to put up suitable buildings for sleeping quarters as soon as possible. It is safe to say that when completed, conditions will be even better than before the fire.
Fire at Deloro
Marmora Herald, Sept. 18, 1919
Another bad fire occurred at Deloro about noon last Saturday. The stamp mill and extraction mill, which were combined in one building, and the old power house were completely destroyed. The buildings were constructed years ago when active mining operations were carried on at Deloro and were heavy frame structures. The origin of the fire is a mystery at present. The loss will be quite heavy but was partially covered by insurance. Fortunately it will not interfere with the operations of the company as the buildings were not in use at present except for storage purposes. The fire was a very hot one.
(The stamp mill stood at the top of a hill and was used during the gold mining days)
The new Bunk houses for single male workers
We have been led to believe that these are Deloro Mine buildings, but we have yet to have this confirmed.
THE BICKNELL COLLECTION submitted by Laila Bicknell
Photo sent by Penny Barrons