Marmoraton Mine photo submitted by haley ann
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Bonarlaw - hand made stone culvert installed by the Central Ontario Railway. Photos submitted by Jonathon Leach.
Lot 19 Concession 1, Marmora Twp, near Cordova
Goodbye Preston Road Bridge (over the Deer River) July 2021
The Dave Mills’Country Drive - Cordova Road to North Marmora to Twin Sisters Lake Road (then turned around) to Beaver Creek Rd to Centre Line Road to Cordova Road, then east on Hwy7 to the Old Marmora Road..
Logan House in 1960s - Shanick
This is the house that the Logans would have lived in when young. This house is in Shanick, On Canada north of Marmora. This picture was taken in 1966, when the house had been deserted. It burned down in 1968.
2019 saw the removal of the water tower.
Harrowsmith Magazine 2008 In the Shannon family for decades, it is now the home of John and Joyce Shannon
110 Hastings Ave, Marmora, making room for Value Mart next door. Posted by F.C. Dobbs
Shannon house 5 Bursthall Street Click here for more.
Demolition of "Ember's Restaurant" 13 Forsyth St. Video by Marmoratv
Below - BONTER MARINE - Highway 7 West
bonter’s marine
the ashes of bonter’s marine Photo by Wayne VanVolkenburg
well, maybe the building is still there, but the students no longer are, having moved over to the Senior School. So what’s in store for this building?
Disappearing Cordova Mines, actually. Click here to read Anthony Seabreeze's memories.
8 Madoc Street The Hipson House
In Memory of Wenyred, daughter of A.G. Warren, Aug 16, 1902 A search for Wenyred Warren turned up nothing. However, using the death date and the age at death, inscribed on the gravestone we see that the person was Aletha Winifred Warren, daughter of James Burton Warren and Annie Taylor.
Old farm equipment
Caterpiller Diesel
This was the Wiggins Homestead where Bob and Elsie Wiggins raised their family in the mid 1900's. Their son Russel, who passed away last year was the last to live there. Apparently it will be leveled as it is no longer structurally sound. A interesting family history will disappear with it. Interestingly, Wayne Vanvolkenburg points out " my grandmother, Sarah Van Volkenburg, . worked for that family when she was a young girl. She married in 1893, at age 20, so it datesprior to that."
jULY 2016
Arnold (sally) and Helen Jones House - 44 Forsyth St.
Marmora township - vansickle road
nelson lane
malone road
Cabin on Vansickle Road
75 Main st (a.k.a. 213 Cordova rd) Burned June 19, 2016
Snake rail fencing near Glanmire
Lloyd Eady's Nuavolon motel and the misspelled road sign
Old road bed, grown over, heading north in concession 5 was discovered by the owner of the property and restored.
malone road
centre line road
What's left of the Relm Club - sent in by Wayne VanVolkenburg
Settler's cabin 2121 Centre LIne Road
Sent in by Ronald Barrons - North Marmora on the Ledge Road
disappearing marmora on Bird's Road, by Ronald Barrons
Matthew & Bursthall Sts. -Tom O'Neill sent this photo of Jim Nichol and asked 'What happened to that old barn
This wooden plaque, located a few steps north of H-way 7,on the west bank of the Crowe River stands in a bed of poison ivy and reads: THE RIVERSIDE CHEESE FACTORY was built on this site during the 1890's. Although only a two man operation, production was in excess of 800 pounds per day. Only cheddar cheese was made.The cheese factory was torn down when it became economically unfeasible to continue operations. (Click here for more)
Remember Beckers at the south end of Forsyth Street? Here's Jane McKenzie & Rob Robson in 1970 considering a coke. Picture by Tom O'Neill
The four pictures below show an abandoned area south of Mary St., near the mine road, where kids regularly hung out practising trap shooting. (W. Vanvolkenburg)
Ronald BarRons writes: The old May homestead is located at 760 Vansickle Road in Marmora Township. I knew of an Edna May who lived there in the 1950's. I do not know when it was abandoned.
Picture of same house above, by Kristin Philpot
From Glen Mawer: Found this building while snowmobiling north of Gulf bridge ,about 45 years ago. Likely long gone now
Dead Truck, centre line road, by Kristin Philpot
John Croskery wrote: "Came across this old jeep north of Mazinaw lake. Name on the door is Vern Caverly Marmora".
Beaver Creek
The old log house Perc and Robena Ellis from Lori Zapletal
Old Railway Bridge in Malone
Old log out building, possibly old pigsty as seen from the Marmora KOA, 138 KOA Campground Road from May 2006 Sent by Ronald Barrons
Gravestone in Marmora cemetery disappearing under moss By Cathie JOnes
The missing bridge on the Beaver Creek where it meets the crowe (lionel bennett & andre philpot)
The Beaver Creek Bridge at Crowe River
Ruins of the gold processing plant at the dam
For more on the Briggs-Bonter saw mill, CLICK HERE
Murphy's Corners, at the intersection of four townships: Lake, Wollaston Limerick and Tudor & Cashell Geographical coordinates are 44°48'50" North and 77°43'12" West
39 Forsyth Street - An empty house owned by the Village of Marmora was demolished in Sept. of 1986 to make way for a parking lot for the Memorial Building. The Contract to remove the building was given to Brunton Excavating Ltd. of Campbellford
This old log house is located at 1007 Vansickle Road in Belmont Township. It belonged to Percy Ellis back in the 1950's and 60's.
Marmoraton Mine by Jerm IX
Up the Centre Line Road by Kristin Philpot
Deloro Nusing Home 2015
The Remains of the Pearce Empire
The Pearce Company was the biggest business in town from 1873 until Nov. 30, 1933, when the last of its lands were sold off. All that is left of the vast spread of mill buildings at the dam are pillars and rock foundations that once held up a saw mill, grist mill, woollen mill, hydro generating plant and even a gold processing mill. Here, pictured, is the base of the gigantic sawdust burning chimney, easily visited at the dam.
Submitted by Wayne VanVolkenburg, these two photos indicate what is left of the tennis courts built by Bethlehem Steel for their executive houses located behind the Township garage, just off Iroquois Street & No. 7 Highway. It was a regular hangout for kids in the '60s.
The remainder of the platform of the Malone station, the first stop north of Marmora on the Central Ontario Railway.
Ronald Barrons writes: My favourite abandoned place is the old Sopha house located at the end of the Vansickle road. I am not sure when the last person lived there, but seem to recall a Craig Sopha that may have lived there in 1950's. It remained in the Sopha family until just a few years ago.
941 Vansickle Rd. former home of Herb Houghlin by Mark Fehrenbach
The beaver creek bridge by Davillusion. While it hasn't disappeared yet, it is scheduled to be replaced this summer. 2015
Gravestone disappearing under grass, by Cathie Jones
Destruction of the Joe Warren house and barn to make way for the new Mac’s
The warren house, and site of the Thomas Empey's bike 1970 accident (now the location of Mac’s convenience store
The remains of the old IGA after the fire
By Glen Mawer
John Cochrane House