War Reports From the Deloro "Once-A-Week"
Compiled by Brenda Brooks Skof
Overseas Letterettes
From Sgt. Les Gazley, somewhere in Italy, January 3, 1944. “I had quite an experience on New Year’s Eve. I went to bed in my tent and about 12 o’clock it came down on me, so I put it back up again. That happened three times during the night. The snow would settle on top and break the ropes holding the tent and it would flatten out on top of me. I got everything I owned all wet, and then to top it all off when I was crawling out from underneath the tent some dizzy so-and-so called out, “Happy New Year, Les”. You can imagine what my answer was. Tell the gang I hope to see them soon but we have a job to finish over here first.”
From Pte. W.T. Gray, 49th Highlanders, somewhere in Italy, February 7th, 1944. “How the time seems to go by over here. We lose track of what day it is so easily that a week has gone by before we realize and no letters have been written. I received 300 cigs while I was up at the front. They just arrived at the right time although our issue of cigs from the regiment is very good. I am in Italy and have been up to the front. Some of the boys have started receiving their parcels so mine should be along anytime now. It takes so long and the parcels get such rough usage that I think it best not to send anymore, just cigarettes.
New Officers Appointed to Deloro War Fund
An appointment of officers to the Deloro War Fund has been made and these officers are:
Chairman- Don Robertson Vice-Chairman - H.A. McNally Sec-Treas - F. Paquet Ass’t. Sec. Treas. - Sid Sandham
C.H. Buskard and H.A. McNally are new members recently elected to the Board. At a meeting this week $1,000.00 was granted the Red Cross and 300 cigarettes were sent to each local man overseas.
General Plant News
“We deeply sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wright in the loss of their son Corporal William Wright who was killed in Italy.“
Flying Officer Bert Johnson is on embarkation leave. In the past Bert was one of the Deloro employees and we wish him the best of luck.”
“Earl Trumble, former General Laboratory Assistant, has recently received his wings. He enlisted with the R.C.A.F.”
“Ken Regan was discharged from Military Hospital on Monday and has re-joined his unit in Hamilton.
Overseas Letterettes
From Tpr. L. Hoover, B. Sqn. 8th Cdn. Recce Regt., Somewhere in Holland: “The weather continues to hold good even if there is a lot of rain. This sure is muddy country. I never saw the likes of it anywhere else I had my first egg the other night, the first in a long time. Boy, did it ever taste good! It cost me 10 cigarettes which I could sell for one guilder which is equal to 42 cents in Canadian money, so I figure it out as 42 cents an egg. I have had quite a feed at nights lately as I open up a can of soup and heat it on the fire which sure hits the spot these cold nights.”
From Cpl. Lois Buskard, Somewhere in England, November22, 1944. “Last night we got the scare of our lives and I ain’t kidding! One of these V2s landed a short distance from our place and we really felt the effects of the explosion. It knocked the plaster off the walls and several things off the mantle, and gave the old house a shaking including us. For a minute we all thought we had it after it was all over, we forgot about it and went about our business. These darn Germans are sure trying to get us but they will never succeed. Personally I don’t like either Buzz Bombs or those Rocket Bombs but if I had my choice, I would take Buzz Bombs. At least you can hear them coming; with the Rocket, you can’t. You just hear the explosion and haven’t a chance in the world if they hit. But don’t worry about it because I’m a lucky person. Just note it as one of my experiences of this war.
Reported Missing - A general feeling of optimism throughout the entire Plant is shared for the safety of Lieut. Percy Gray and Sgt. Tom Maloney, former employee of the Stelllite Department, who have recently been reported missing in action.
Overseas Letterettes
From F/O F.R. Loveless, R.C.A.F. somewhere in Holland, January 6, 1945. “I am flying from the airdrome in Holland where Jim is stationed We were sure glad to see each other, and have had some real long talks. He is certainly looking well and has been doing a great job over here. We spent New Year’s Eve together. We’ll have Jerry licked by spring. I can’t see how he stopped completely on these major attacks and believe me he is throwing everything he has left into these.”
Volunteers Workers’ Club of Deloro
“A group of young girls under the direction of Miss Scott sold $326.00 worth of War Saving Stamps during the last week of February, when Grocers all across Canada put on a stamp drive to raise $11,000,000.00 in the sale of War Savings Stamps during the month. Nice going kids, and keep right in there punching until V-Day. We all have reason to be and are proud of you for your past and present and future contributions to the War Effort.”
Ian (Mac) MacIntosh - “Welcome mat is out for Ian (Mac) MacIntosh of Stellite Lab., who has returned after doing his bit with the R.C.A.F. We are not personally acquainted with “Mac” at this date but according to some data we have picked up, he left the employ of our Company in 1940, proceeded to the Coast (Vancouver) where he enlisted in the Air Force. Rising to the rank of Squadron Leader, he is also the holder of the D.F.C. Back now with this Scottish bride we are hoping that Mr. and Mrs. MacIntosh will find our community to their liking as much as we know the community approves of them. Again “Welcome Back, Mac.””
Gunner Jack Shannon - “With the arrival of Gunner Jack, Ern and Mrs. Shannon finally have their family together again Jack, being recently discharged, married in England and we suppose they are also hoping for the arrival soon of the bride on the Queen Mary or some other fine ship. A big welcome home from us too, Jack.”
Harry Harris Harry, one of our former gang, received word recently that he had been mentioned in dispatches for gallantry. He returned home last December after four years overseas, during which time he saw service in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Our Congratulations, Harry!”
Oxide News by G.M. - “Well General Divisioners this our first column since the era of peace has settled upon us and whether we are entering a highly mechanized era or an atomic era, so long as the forces of War remain in the background we are sure, through the lesson we have learned, to see things we never dreamed of now that the lights are on again.
The celebrations of V-J night were very robust. Jack Eggett was picked as the best dancer George Brooks, Harold Dalton best mail singers and Rita Loveless best female singer, with editor Mike Corrigan running a close second on all. The spirit of the evening was really high. Hosts – Tom Cousins with the dollar cigar and your reporter with the 15 cents mug of beer.”
Remembrance Day Service in Deloro was held in the Deloro Community Hall and being attendance by the Legion Members, the people of Deloro, having both Public and Separate Schools marching to the Hall en masse in order to attend. Short movies were shown for education purposes, wreaths were laid in remembrance, after which Reveille and Last Post were sounded by George Charles Brooks.
Overseas Letterettes
From L.A.C. George Rice, somewhere in North Africa. “A couple of nights before Christmas the Canadian ‘Y” came to camp with a show “Orchestra Wives”. It was quite good. Our shift worked Christmas Eve but we had an easy night with our usual midnight supper of spam, fried eggs, canned fruit and Christmas cake. On Christmas morning we had for breakfast, eggs and bacon (a real change). Christmas dinner was a small bit of turkey soup and the main course was turkey, pork, dressing, peas, roast potatoes followed by Christmas pudding. In the evening we had a buffet supper of sandwiches (pork and spam), sausage rolls and all kinds of cakes and pastry. This was followed by a community sing-song.”
From Private Ed Warren, C.O.C., somewhere in England. “We had a very nice trip over and I enjoyed it very much. The weather is very nice over here. It is just like summer. I saw Tom Sopha today and was he ever glad to see me! The place we are in is out of the way so we do not get many weekends here. I am still with the same guys yet but do not know for how long.”
Safety News - “The Deloro War Fund granted $100.00 to Marmora War Workers during the month.”
Oxide News - “Bud” Loveless has received his commission as Pilot Officer and his posting overseas.”
Coming Events - A Dance will be held in Marmora Town Hall on April 14th under the auspices of Marmora L.O.L. 319. Music will be provide by Jones’ Orchestra, admissions 75 cents per couple and extra ladies 50 cents. Tickets will be drawn for War Savings Certificate.
Percy Gray - “We are very happy to report that Grace Gray of the Warehouse has received two letters from hubby, Percy, from Germany, where he is a prisoner-of-war. He says that he is feeling fine and thanks to the Red Cross Food Parcels, they are getting plenty to eat. Percy seems very cheerful and optimistic.”
From Private J. A. Izzard, H. & P. Regt., Somewhere in Italy, February 19, 1945. “I moved again and serving with the good old Hasty Ps. I like the Regt and all the boys, I have met quite a number of lads from around Peterboro, Cambellford and other places. I see Bob Scott every day and stop and chat with him. He recognized me first He is a captain now. I’m up at the front. That’s how I came to meet him.. I’m taking an anti-tank course and if I pass I’ll be in Bob’s platoon. I met a fellow last night that is related to Art Reynolds. Art Reynolds’ sister is this chap’s mother. I also met a lad from Trenton, his name is Sam Trumble. Orville is his uncle.
Extract of letter from .C. George Rice to The Deloro War Fund: It’s a small world indeed. I was searching through the mail for my Reader’s Digest a few weeks ago when a paper done up with “Deloro Stellite” sticky paper caught my eye. I immediately examined it more closely thinking it might be for me. However, it was for another chap and when I questioned him about it, I found that his sister works in the Birmingham office of the company. Since then he told his sister about it and she has been asking a lot of questions This is the first time I have encountered any Deloro Stellite employees overseas although I have seen tool bits with the trademark, in various places.”
From Lt. N/S Hilda Mumby, R.C.A.M.C., #17 Can. Gen. Hosp. England. “We had a distinguished visitor today none other than the Queen. We were told about it yesterday, so scrubbed and cleaned everything and everybody in sight. We were dressed in our wools, aprons, clean veils and shining shoes. She visited every ward, met us all. She shook hands with us and we curtsied or fumbled around at something or other. Then in our own wards we followed her around, as she visited each patient. We were allowed to take pictures. The Queen was dressed in pale bluewool dress and coat and pale blue hat – something like a beret. She had on a triple strand of beautiful pearls and maple leaf pin on her lapel and carried a fawn coloured fur on her arm.”
Deloro News - “Peter Brawley informed us that his son “Pat” is a member of the crew of the now Canadian Cruiser “Uganda” and that they travelled a distance of 22,000 miles before reaching port in Australia. The crew of 900 were given a great welcome when they reached port, the ladies of Australia presenter each member of the crew with a Ditty Bag.
Thank You Cards - Thank you cards of appreciation for cigarettes were received in Dec. from the following: Pte. M. Dostanko, R.E. Langley, Tpr. L. Hoover, Sgt. P.A. Bell, Flt. Sgt. W,D. Bonter, Pte. R.A. Robertson, Cpl. L. Forestell, C.S. Reynolds, Kelvin Cummings, J.P. Brawley, G. Devolin, C.H. Bedore, Lt. N/S Teresa Shannon and Cp. Lois Buskard.
Marg Shannon Monk, Theresa Shannon, A Paquet, Jack Shannon
General News by G..W.M.
“On a recent five day visit to Ottawa since the last issue, your reporter had the extreme pleasure of seeing the homecoming of some of the boys. They were marched into the Coliseum of militarized Lansdowne Park where friends and relatives were gathered to greet them. The emotional feeling that went through that building when the boys marched in is indescribable, and the roar would have easily equaled any professional hockey league. They deserved and appreciated it. Incidentally, one of those boys, Cpl. Stan Wright of Ottawa, in the army since 1939, is a guest of your reporter and as the boys in the army say “He knows what the score is”.”
“Grace Gray of the Warehouse is the happiest girl in our Department since hubby Percy is home. He looks swell, too
The Village turned out in force to receive Lt. Percy Gray on his return from Overseas, and the cries of “Welcome Home” were spoken from the hearts of all who knew him. The reception was entirely spontaneous and while all were sincere in doing honor to Percy, it was really a symbol of the welcome the people would like to give to all their returning heroes if the exact time of their arrival could be known as definitely as in this instance. The Deloro Wolf Cub Pack acted as the guard of Honor and led the parade from the school grounds to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gray, Percy’s parents.
Acknowledgements for Cigarettes
Acknowledgements for cigarettes sent by the Deloro War Fund have been received from the following
Sto. John Shannon, R.C.N.V.R.; N/S Hilda Mumby; Sto. P. Brawley; Cpl. C.S. Reynolds; Pte. C.B. Bedore; Grn. N.D. Sopha; Lt. L.A. Paquet and A.J. Kouri.
Norman (Tut) Sopha in Holland WWII
I came across this in a Canadian History Magazine. My dad Norman, Tut (front right) in Holland at the liberation parade (Sent to us by Dale Sopha)
Overseas Letterettes
From Pte. George Paranuik (somewhere in England May 9, 1944). “I got over safely. It was really nice on the way over. I’ve seen a lot and most of all I’ve seen Scotland. It’s really wonderful.”
From Stoker 1st Class Bill Nayler, April 6, 1944. “I had my picture taken by some Canadian news photographer. It’ll be in the Peterborough Examiner, but not until the invasion has started. He took a bunch of pictures of the ship and crew. I would like to get home for pickerel fishing and get back to Deer River and Healey Falls.”
From Spr. Gr. Osborne (somewhere in England May 6, 1944). “I cannot write much of a letter now as all of our mail is under strict censorship. Ray and I are in good physical condition and haven’t lost any weight. In fact, we are a lot heavier now than anytime before enlisting, so don’t worry as we both take care of ourselves. Your mail means so much to us over here.”
Stellite News
“Doug Stocker and John Izzard went to Belleville to volunteer for Active Service. Good luck, boys!”
“Russell Hegadoren, a former employee, has received his Wings and is now ready to go overseas. Rusty got along fast to win his stripes and he deserves them. Here’s luck to you, Rusty. (P.S. This stuff should have been in last month.)”
Winnifred Kathleen Mary Brooks, C.W.A.C.
Deloro News - It looks as if we have lost another telephone operator as Winnie Brooks was seen in uniform over the weekend.
Deloro War Fund - Letters of appreciation for cigarettes received from the Deloro War Fund were written this month by the following local boys overseas:---Roy Robertson, G.R. Osborne, Gordon Devolin, MJ. Cummings, J.L. Forestell, Orville Peck, Jim Loveless, R. Booth, Mac Bonter, W.J. Richardson, E.R. Vincent.
From the Management of Deloro Smelting & Refining Co. Ltd. To all in Deloro
“THANK YOU FOR STAYING ON THE JOB. In the History Books of the future, Monday, May 7th, will be recorded as the day the Germans surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. In the records of this Company, it will go down as the day that practically all the employees stayed on the job to get out production necessary for the continuation of the fight against Japan.
The Honourable Mr. Illsley, had a few days previous, asked Canadian workers to stay on the job when V-E Day was announced. He said a common enemy remained to be beaten and that any production losses as a result of the V-E Day Announcement would hinder our efforts against the Japs. The day after the official announcement, Mr Ilsley advised, would be observed as a National Holiday.
The employees of this Company are to be commended for their loyalty and devotion to duty and we are sure that our own boys and girls overseas will be happy to learn that we, on the home front, are doing our part in helping to finish the job as quickly as possible. Thanks for staying on the job.”
Gen. Plant News - “Well, folks, V-E Day has come and gone and everyone experienced a feel- ing of satisfaction of a job well done and a hope that after the Japanese issue has been settled we will never again be afflicted by the curse of war. Now that hostilities has ceased in Europe, we hope to be seeing all the boys back, and among them, former General Divisioner Les Gazley, Warehouse Ted Gazley and Clarence Reynolds, Sample Room Earl Trumble, Upper Lab, Winnie Brooks, Telephone Operator.”
“Rusty Hegadoren, one of our former employees, and now a Sgt. Air Gunner of the RC.A.F. recently came back from overseas looking and feeling in great shape. Rusty had quite a number of experiences about which he seldom talks. Yes, folks, we feel mighty proud of Rusty and wish him the best of luck wherever he goes.”
“Winnie Brooks C.W.A.C., former telephone operator, was home on leave from Ottawa during the month and we are glad to report that Winnie looks well and likes Army life fine.”
“We were mighty glad to hear of Bill Knox being back in England after his liberation. We daresay that 7 months’ imprison- ment in Germany was quite enough for our old work
Reported Missing - “A general feeling of optimism throughout the entire Plant is shared for the safety of Lieut Percy Gray and Sgt. Tom Maloney, former employee of Stellite Department, who have recently been reported missing in action.”
“Percy Gray has landed in England and we hope he will be on his way home soon. We’ll be mighty glad to see you again Perc and to hear of some of your experiences over a pint or two of beer.”
“A great big welcome home to Ted Gazley formerly of the Sample Room. Ted left the Sample Room to join the Army in January, 1942, and went overseas the following September. He has been in service in Italy and on the Northern Front and has volunteered for duty in the Pacific. He is now home on leave before resuming his training for that theatre. Pop Gazley says they are very proud of him and we add ‘So is the General Division.’ Lots of luck, Ted.”
Oxide News - “Pete Cooper reports that both his sons returned from Overseas and that they look and feel fine.”
“Norman Hipson spent most of his vacation visiting with his son William, who returned from Overseas on July 17th. Norman says Bill has lots of interesting tales of incidents that took place during his service in France, Belgium and Holland.”
1967 Harry & Beatrice Loveless, 50th wed. anniversary
“On July 30th Harry Loveless received the good news that his son F/O Floyd Loveless had landed at Quebec from Overseas “Bud” looks good and is glad to be home. We’re looking forward to a visit some afternoon Bud!”
BACK HOME - “Warrant Officer Russel Hegadoren was welcomed back to Deloro on May 25th after a year of Overseas Service with the R.C.A.F. His first of three operational flights over Germany occurred at the beginning of April. Russel is expecting to return to the East Coast as instructor shortly. While in England, he had no comrades close to hand from Hastings County. The only two from this district he came across were Lois Buskard and Tom Maloney. Most of Russel’s leaves were spent up in Scotland but he was thrilled with the beauties of the countryside over there as a whole.”
“To have Stan Kerr back in our midst again has been the source of such pleasure to us. We are also pleased over the fact that he returned to us as Pilot Officer Stan got into enemy hands on August 23rd, 1943, and was in Stalag 4B throughout his imprisonment. There were very few wounded there, he informed us. Three British M.O.s under the supervision of the German M.O. tended to the sick. For recreation, Stan and his Canadian buddies played softball and bridge. The English lads played soccer and the South Africans indulged in rugby. Stan who was not wounded, had no way of checking on any lost weight. He adds his testimony to that of thousands of prisoners of war regarding the great work carried on by the Red Cross. Following his leave, Stan reported to Toronto.”