/The year 1916, half way through the first world war, left many businesses seriously crippled or even shut down. But, as the Marmora Herald reported in June, 1916, Deloro was just the opposite. According to that report, even though supplies were cut off, prices were unpredictable, and shipping a nightmare, the company (Deloro Smelting and Reduction Co) and its employees made sacrifices to turn things around.
“As a result, extensively building operations are now under way by the Company. Messrs. Curran and Clement have a contract for the erection of six big double houses, a store (click here for more on the store) and a school. The buildings will be constructed of cement blocks and will be up-to-date. The contractors have a very complete plant and can turn out a large number of blocks in a day. The houses will have a cement wall through the centre, which will deaden all sound so that persons on one side will not be disturbed by those on the other any more than if they were in separate houses.
A large number of men are employed in connection with these operations, gangs being busy excavating while the blocks are being made. The Company is also installing a sprinkling system for fire protection. A big tank or stand pipe will be erected at a high elevation with a capacity of about 70,000 gallons.”
For more on the Deloro Smelting and Reduction Company, CLICK HERE.