O'Hara Homestead
This is a photo of where I was born - A 300 acre dairy farm in Southern Ontario Canada, the last of 5 farms over a 7 mile long dirt road. The nearest neighbor was a mile away and the road ended in front of our house. Forty head of dairy cattle were milked by hand twice a day by my parents. The back yard was very large it stretched to Hudson Bay hundreds of miles north very sparsely populated with a few roads.The land was settled in the early 1800's by John Plane father of Christmas Plane. John immigrated from England bought land for 50 cents an acre from the British crown and walked into the bush with his axe a bag of flour and and his wife Martha at his side (so the story goes.) I guess that makes them pioneers. My son Jonah and daughter Maryam were the first in the family to be born in a hospital setting and to go home to a house that had electricity. Every other Saturday we would all as a family go into town 10 miles away for some food and goods shopping and I would watch the TV in the store window (No Sound). Photo 1950's
(Lou Walter Wilson, born on this O'Hara farm, later moved to Matthew Street, Marmora, and now resides in Philadelphia, Penn.)