News from the Train Station
/The Marmora Railway Station, named Wolfe Station after Richard Wolfe who was murdered close by, was opened in July of 1883, hosting the arrivals and departures of passengers and cargo to and from Belleville and then Coe Hill. By 1907, passengers were able to ride all the way to Bancroft. The man to sell you your ticket at that time was David Ernest Bell, the station master there for thirty years. The following is an article from the Marmora Herald, sent to us by Wilma Bush, with photos from his family.
From the Marmora Herald - 1936
Mr. D. Ernest Bell, agent at Marmora Station for the past 30 years, has been appointed agent at CN Railway Station in Peterborough.
When Mr. Bell came to Marmora the station belonged to the Central Ontario Railway, which extended from Picton to Bancroft and Coe Hill. Later the COR became part of the Canadian Northern Railway system and then the Grand Trunk, Grand Trunk Pacific, Canadian Northern and various other lines were amalgamated to form the CNR. Mr. Bell remained in charge of the station.
Marmora Station has been one of the most profitable stations outside of large towns or cities owing to Deloro Smelting & Refining Co. Mr. Bell has been a highly competent official - has had the confidence of fellow employees by the fact he has been chosen as chairman of the Divisional Railway Telegraphers Association for a number of years.
Mr. Bell will be greatly missed as a citizen of Marmora Village. He has served as a member of Council for quite a number of years. At the recent election he was elected Reeve for 1936. Mr. Bell also acted as Village auditor for a number of years. .
Helena Bell, 1926-27
Mr. and Mrs. (Helena) Bell will both be greatly missed by St. Andrew’s United Church. Mr. Bell has been secretary of the Official Board for many years. Mrs. Bell has been a member of the choir and officer of the Women’s Association. Mr. Bell has held various offices in the Masonic Lodge being secretary for many years. He was President of the Booster Club and has been connected with nearly every movement for the welfare of the Village, including the Public Library of which he was chairman of the Board.
Mrs Bell has been an officer in the Women’s Institute and helped in other organizations. Both will be greatly missed.
Mr. & Mrs. Bell had one child, Lorraine Hendershot. Lorraine & her husband Bill had one daughter, Carol and one son , John.