/It was 1926 when Mr. James Marrin proudly advertised his disposable containers for ice cream, purchased from the "Individual Sanitary Service" Company and sold out of his drug store at 4 Forsyth Street.
The birth of the Dixie Cup!
Individual Sanitary Service, Inc. (I.S.S.), the company from which Individual Food Service developed, was created in 1926 by Morris Supowitz as a specialty janitorial and paper products supplier to doctors’ offices throughout downtown Los Angeles. Several years after its inception, I.S.S. began to carry and distribute a new, revolutionary, disposable product, which later came to be known as the “Dixie cup.” I.S.S.’s forward-thinking came at the cusp of the emergence of a brand new market‚ food service to-go. With the help of his sons, Perrin and David, Morris Supowitz took advantage of this rising new market and began putting all of the company’s efforts into this new endeavor. Supowitz predicted that the company would profit far greater in the food service industry than as a product supplier to doctors and dentists‚ he was correct!