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1910 Deloro robberies

It is alleged that Deloro Works have been systematically robbed for some time. Three arrests have already been made and a considerable quantity of refined silver and silver ore have been found. The Crown is taking active measures to protect the property of the Company.
February 10, 1910

EXPRESSED $44,000.
On Wednesday of last week The Deloro Mining & Reduction Co. expressed $44,000 silver in 70lb bars on Central Ontario Railways. This is just an average weekly shipment. The arsenic by-product is also very favorable.
September 19, 1910

A foreigner, who went by the names of Hill and also Lappe, came up before Judge Deroche on Wednesday of last week for stealing a quantity of silver from Deloro Mining & Reduction Company. He was sentenced to the Provincial Reformatory for two years less a day.
February 3, 1916

At an early hour Wednesday morning of last week the local police placed under arrest two men named Charles Pask and Charles Brown. The warrant under which they were arrested charges "that they, at Deloro, in the months of January and February did unlawfully steal, take and carry away a quantity of silver and silver ore from the milling and reduction property of the Deloro Mining & Reduction Company Limited, the property of the said Company." They pleaded guilty and were remanded until the 15th for sentence.
After Brown and Pask had been arrested their trunks were searched and a considerable quantity of refined silver and silver ore was found. They are both Englishmen and had been working at Deloro for some time. It was their intention to leave this country and in fact had purchased their tickets for Liverpool and were to sail on the Empress of Britain on the 11th inst. Brown is a married man with a family in England and Pask is unmarried.
They came up for sentence and were given a severe talking to, given a suspended sentence of one year in jail and ordered to pay a fine of $20.00 each and $12.50 costs and enter a bond for their good behavior for one year.
February 17, 1910