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The Marmora - Ottawa Connection

There is no doubt that the big old house at 53 Forsyth Street in Marmora was one of the grandest for miles.   Some time in 1900,  the Marmora Herald wrote:

" It is a large, handsome, red brick house situated on the west side of Forsythe St.  adjoining Mr. Carscallen's former residence on the north.  The design is a very pretty one and in the general effect - size,  symmetry of parts,  material,  workmanshipand in fact,  every detail - the building is perfect.  It was completed in March of last year.

  But did you know that the architect hired by the owner, ( A.W. Carscallen, M.P.)  was the highly respected Moses Chamberlain Edey - the architect who designed the Aberdeen Pavilion in Ottawa,  as well as the Daly Building - Ottawa's first department store.

Moses Chamberlain Edey,  Architect in 1869

Ottawa's Aberdeen Pavilion

Ottawa's first department store,  the Daly Building demolished in 1992

Ottawa's first department store,  the Daly Building demolished in 1992