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Mr. Jones - What a fine fellow!

Did You Know?

The area around the intersection of Centre Line Road and Beaver Creek Road,  sometimes referred to as North Marmora,  Bailey's Corners and even Shanick at one time,  originated as the Jones Settlement.  Here you will find SS2 School House,  known as the Jones School,  still standing,  but in rough shape.  To the north of the school used to be a store and post office,  and on the north east corner of the intersection,  the cheese factory still stands.

Charlie Jones was born and raised on the Jones Settlement.  He was a former councilman of Marmora Township.  He founded and developed the Beaver Creek Telephone Company,  and it was used by many of the people in the surrounding settlements - the Johns,  the Campions and the Loughs.

In the early 1920s,  the  Jones family was the first in the area to own a radio and they were able to receive the Grande Ole Opry on this radio on Saturday evenings..  As his neighbours could not afford a radio,  Mr Jones would air the show over the telephone party lines for all of them to enjoy.  What a fine fellow!

The Marmora Cheese Factory,  now a private home