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In 1952 there was a strike held at the Deloro Refining and Smelting Company, led by the Miner, Mill and Smelter Workers Union.
The Herald reported on the agreement reached, but was not impressed. One paragraph even sounds like union busting:

"Most of the employees realize now how badly they were mislead by the Union, both in promises of strike pay and benefits while a strike was in operation, and also in claims of what could be accomplished by a strike. It will take years to make up what they have lost as a result of the strike. Employees who are dissatisfied with the conduct and results of the strike have the privilege of notifying the company, within seven days of the Signing of the agreement, that they wish to have deductions from their pay cheque for union dues discontinued. That would be one way of making a small saving each month and help get rid of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union. Another thing that is making Union members angry is the discovery of the amount of the Local 889 funds that have been used for the benefit of some of the local executive before and during the strike.

CLICK HERE to read the whole Herald write-up at the bottom of this page: