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The "Pioneer" - Famous locomotive in Blairton

Did you know....

THE "PIONEER" - Famous locomotive in Blairton
When all else fails, try again. When the Marmora Iron Company saw the gloomy profit reports in 1866, they decided to amalgamate with the Cobourg-Peterborough Railway Co., and with American investors, formed the Cobourg, Peterborough and Marmora Railway and Mining Co. This company planned to move the Blairton iron ore to a smelting furnace in Rochester by rail to the Narrows on the Trent River, by boat to Harwood Station on Rice Lake, by rail to Cobourg and again by boat to Rochester. The locomotive on the Cobourg track, known as the "Pioneer", was shipped by water to Cobourg from Nova Scotia . A now forgotten story, this model of locomotive was the first engine to operate in Canada

Read more about Blairton and the American connection