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Bonarlaw a busy place.


Bonarlaw's first name was Central Ontario Junction. The railway was first acquired by the Canadian Northern Railway, and subsequently merged into the Canadian National system, when, in 1917,  the name changed to Bonarlaw, named for British Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law. (Born in New Brunswick, he is the only British Prime Minister to have been born outside the British Isles.)  The community has also been known as Big Springs and Bellview. The station was a junction point for the C.P.R. and the previously mentioned railways. Before automobiles, the station was very busy with a daily train to and from Toronto, as well as an afternoon and night train over the C.P.R. tracks.

You can read a lot more about Bonarlaw.


On March 26, 2021, Molly wrote:

I currently live in the old Station Master’s home in Bonarlaw and I love finding information like this about how Bonarlaw used to be. You would never know nowadays passing through.