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Blairton, A Going Concern - 1868

Been to Blairton lately? By 1868, when Blairton was in full swing, the mining company built 40 cottages for its employees. The business section was laid out in an "H", with 3 general stores, two bakeshops, three hotels (Purdy House was one) and two boarding houses. There was a post office, operated by Roger Bates, a school, railway station, numerous liveries and blacksmith shops. By 1882, it was all done, and all assets, including 30,000 acres of land were sold to T.P. Pearce for $30,200.00. Even the old Methodist church was packed up and shipped to a farm in Moose Jaw!

Read more about Blairton.....click here


                                                      Blairton Mine - Manager's House