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The Loucks House and Continuation School

Did you know?........

This home was at corner of Victoria and Madoc Streets, Marmora.The building was originally owned by Alexander George Loucks, b1822-d1898. Brickyard Owner. After George's death, the business, home and land was purchased by John William Nayler. In 1920 the home was sold to the town to become Marmora's First High School,  known as the "Continuation School".   The building burned down in 1989, and has been replaced by a fourplex. The Marmora Pentecostal Church also sits on the original Loucks' property. The bricks used on this home, and others in the community, were fabricated by Loucks brickmakers and Nayler's brickworks. The kiln area for the brick manufacturing was just east of the  Common Cemetery on the south side of Highway 7. The bricks were made from clay taken from the current "Nayler's Common Wetland and Trails".

For more on Marmora's First High School,  click here