23 Forsyth Street
Percy Gray
In 1949, Albert and Helen Maynes purchased a very large residential lot from Carl Heath. Their intentions were to build a new Liquor Store on the southern half of the lot.
In 1951, Patrick Whalen of Tweed was hired to build a cement block store with a spacious family residence above the store. The liquor Store was officially opened on June 22, 1951. The first two employees hired were two Marmora World War 2 Veterans, Major Percy Gray Sr. Regiment #59386 and Warrant Officer Stanley (Tink) Kerr, R.C.A.F. Air Gunner #105117.
The large family residence has now been divided into two apartments and the Liquor Store still occupies the entire bottom half of the building.
While Mr. Donald Ross was competing with Albert Maynes to run a theatre, it seems they were also both courting the Liquor Control Board for the establishment of a liquor store and beer warehouse. But not all citizens felt a liquor store was in the best interests of the village. Even the Marmora Herald had strong opinion.
Dec. 7, 1950 Marmora Herald
The liquor controversy continued in 1958 when a vote was taken to licence dining rooms,