The history of the Catholic Women's League of Canada in any parish is so closely associated with that of the parish itself as to be incapable of separation. Such is the case in Sacred Heart Parish Marmora. Since the League in Canada dates only from 1912, the history of our Council of necessity omits mention of the early years, when this parish was established, with Father.Thomas Murtagh, appointed first resident pastor in 1894, and when it flourished under the direction of those other devoted and beloved pastors.
Actual records of the early days the League here seem to be lacking, but I have it on excellent authority that the first president, was Mrs. Timothy Clement and that the League was active in Father Hanley s time, with Mrs. C. A. McWilliams president. In the ensuing years, however, the accent was definitely not on feminine leadership in parochial affairs, and interest must have lagged, for we find that the League was re-organized and presented with a charter in 1931. The President then was Mrs. John Murray, and the secretary Miss Margaret Sullivan.
(The names all presidents are listed below)
While Father Murtagh was pastor, the rectory was built. This present church was erected to replace one that had burned, and a one-room Marmora, Separate School emerged from the realm of wishful thinking and became a reality. Miss Mary Brennan of Marysville parish was engaged in 1915 as the first teacher at a salary of '$600 per annum with forty-nine pupils.
The total cost of that school was $2,500. In Father Hanley's time the school was enlarged to two rooms, and the first two teachers were Miss Mary Bronson earning $1100.00 and Miss Jean O'Neill, $1,000. The total cost of this addition opened in 1922, was $4254.56 Total Provincial grants in 1915 amounted to $19.50 and in 1922 to $375.00.. I feel that mention should be made here of the dedicated service rendered in school and parish affairs by the faithful C.W.L. member, Miss Florence Auger, "who taught in our school. from 1924 to 1952. In Father O'Neill's time the parish hall was built. With Father Healey we have seen that hall improved and enhanced, and we have seen our school enlarged and rebuilt to its present proud state.
Mention of the activities carried on by League members in the early years will have to be general in nature. I have been told that in Father O'Reilly's time a summer lawn social was held on the spacious grounds of the MGGrath property on Crowe Lake , Tipperary House. This would, of course, be more suited to the capabilities of League members than the sale of young cattle, which had marked the annual parish picnic of Father Murtagh's time!
Eventually the summer project was abandoned in favour of the summer collection, as we know it today.
From time to time League members have also organized strawberry socials on the church grounds, bake sales and bingos on Clairmont's lawn and travelling aprons arid baskets , during the "Lazy days of summer".
The major money raising event has been for forty-two years, the annual fall bazaar. It became in Father Keeley's time, a three day affair , and remained so until 1954, when Father Hoelev saw fit to reduce it to two. Feminine leadership has been conspicuous here. The general convenor of the bazaar has always carried a heavy responsibility. Mrs. James McGrath, Sr., Mrs. Cecelia Dunlay , Mrs. John Crawford, and
Mrs. Charles Crawford have won their laurels here.
Because of their great popularity, the card parties in the school some thirty-five years ago should certainly be included in this account. I understand that an evening's entertainment - cards, lunch, and a dance afterwards - cost 25 cents then, and that Father Keeley often played the violin for the square dancing. Deloro Hall also rang with merriment in those days when the parishioners in that section sponsored card parties.
Reminiscing over the years gone by, one cannot forget that most necessary complement to church ceremonies, the choir. At first the three Clairmont girls, Selina, Frances and Louisa provided the music. Then Father Murtagh hired an organist, Miss Traynor, who boarded with Miss Margaret O'Connor and gave piano lessons. Others to hold the position were Miss Rose Sullivan, Miss Beatrice Bertrand, Miss Marion Shannon. Sometimes ladies of the parish substituted for the regular organist, among them Mrs. Wm. Hughes , Mrs. Dan. Shannon, and Miss Margaret O'Connor. Then it became the duty of the Junior teacher in the school to be organist. Miss Mabel McCarthy arid Miss Rita Deacon filled this dual role.
In Father O'Neill's time, Mrs. Hugh Brady qualified as church organist and vocal music teacher, and has served in this capacities ever since. While on this subject, I think I should repeat what I have often
heard: that at one time the Marmora choir was rated as second only to that of the Cathedral, in Kingston diocese: and that some of the soloists should be named! Mr. Dan Shannon, who shone particularly on St. Patrick ' sDay , Mr. Stanis Bertrand, and Miss Eva Shannon.
Other parish activities carried on by League members over the years include:
(I) The Altar Society, of which the chief officer and worker for many years was Mrs. Hannah Auger, and she ably and generously assisted by Mrs. James Brady. Another capable team has been carrying on
in the same tradition for several years now Mrs. Charles Crawford and Mrs. A. M. Jones, aided by other members in the summer months.
(2) The Apostleship of Prayer (Sacred Heart Messengers) promoted by Mrs. Theresa Warren, Miss Florence Auger, Mrs. Charles Cook, Miss Mary Brady.
Now to return to the League proper. The League here has displayed a high degree of organization, co-operation and efficiency, especially after Mrs. James Black moved to the parish. Regular monthly meetings are held except during July and August. The June Meeting has enjoyed real hospitality over the years at the home of Mrs. J. J. Maloney, and. at the summer homes of Mrs. A. McNally, Mrs. Theresa Warren, Mrs. James McGrath, Mrs. R. J. Maloney, Mrs. Milton Campbell, and Rev. Father Healey.
During Mrs. O'Connor's term of office, while Father Martin was a temporary pastor of ours, Study Clubs were organized so systematically that the subdivision was cited at the annual diocesan convention for the
excellence of this work.
With Mrs. Black as president, we saw the group system introduced, the special observance of Grandmothers' Night established in 1943, the first C.W.L. Christmas Party held in 1947. In her time the altar boys were sometimes entertained at a C.W.L. night of games,where they received souvenir gifts. But we will remember Mrs. Black most vividly, I think, for the plays and entertainments which she directed and sometimes composed.
In this field we also have had a team of humorous entertainers, namely Mrs. Rose Brawley and Miss Mary Hughes, and no Program ever seems complete without this pair. For the past twenty-five years, Miss Hughes has, served in the League as Sewing Convener and she was ably assisted in this work by Mrs. B. Gaffney.
To list all the good works and commend the League members responsible for them would be impossible and impractical. Their names and deeds are faithfully recorded in the minutes that our recent secretaries have written. Suffice for me to say that parish projects have always received the support they demand and deserve, that corporal works of mercy have been performed consistently, that spiritual exercises as recommended to all councils have been observed.
May I conclude by saying "Let us not become complacent. Let us continue to co-operate with God's grace, under the wise guidance of our spiritual director, working along with the dedicated executive
members, for our own personal spiritual betterment and for God and Canada.
Helen Brady (Mrs. Charles Bradv)
The C.W.L. sponsored the introduction of uniforms for students of Sacred Heart School in Sept. 1957. This was discontinued in 1975
Rev. John Hanley - Uncle to Tom Hanley of this parish
Mrs. Tim Clement - nee Margaret Foley , cousin of Laura Foley , sister of Mrs. Lafontaine in Tweed
Mrs. C. A. McWilliams - sister of Lena Sullivan
Mrs. John Murray - mother of Joe Murray
Miss Margaret Sullivan - sister of Lena Sullivan
Mrs. J. A. Paquet - nee Nina Driscoll, first wife of J.A. Paquet
Miss Anna Foley - teacher at Deloro Separate School
Mrs. James(Essie) Black- mother of Mrs. (Cecile) Crawford, Verna Hughes and Mrs. Clarence (Audrey)Shannon, Harry, Ray and Jack Black
Mrs. Charles(Marie) Cook- mother of Francis Cook and Mrs. Don (Jean) Shannon (and Marjorie, Bernard and John Cook)
Miss Mary Brennan - Mrs. Vince Brady, Napanee. Cousin of Mrs , Arthur Sheridan of this parish
Miss Jean O'Neill- Mrs.Charles O'Connor
Miss Mabel McCarthy - Mrs. Clinton McGee
Mrs. James McGrath - .nee Mary O'Connor, sister of Mr.E.D.O'Connor
Clairmont girls - aunts of Jack Clairmont
Miss'Margaret 0'Connor- Mrs. Keating
Miss Rose Sullivan - Rev. Sister Blondina
Miss Beatrice Bertrand - Mrs. J.A. McNally
Miss Marion Shannon - Mrs. J.A. Paquet
Miss Rita Deacon - Mrs. Joe Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shannon ...parents of Jim, Bill, Tom Shannon, and Marion Paquet
Mrs. Cecelia Dunlay - grandmother of Mrs. Joe Murray
Mr. Stanis Bertrand - father of Mrs. McNally, grandfather of Pat Bertrand, Evelyn Warren, Frances Parcels
Miss Eva Shannon- sister of Marg Monk's father
Mrs. Hannah Auger - sister of Lena Sullivan
Mrs. James Brady - mother of Eugene, Mary, Hugh, Jack and Charles
Mrs. ,J. J. Maloney- mother of Mrs. V. M. (Anna) Lynch and of Miss Gertrude Maloney
January 1964- January 1973
During these years two exceptional events occurred in our parish:
1) One of our pastors, Father Spence, was raised to the rank of Monsignor, and then consecrated Bishop. We take pride in the fact that Marmora was his training ground for parish work
2) One of our native sons, Karl Clemens was ordained to the priesthood in December, 1972. This honour had not come to the parish since Leo Forestell, of the Jesuit Order, was ordained in India in March1961.
On both occasions the C.W.L. had the privilege of catering to the receptions that were held in connection with these events.
Other memorable receptions were those for Mr. and Hrs. E. D. O'Connor's 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1965,; for Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle's 60th Wedding Anniversary in 1969; for Mr. :and Mrs.Richard Maloney's 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1972; and for Mr. William Shannon's banquet as Warden of Hastings County in 1967.
These ten years have seen many changes in the externals of the Church, and many revisions of attitudes, and much broadening of outlook. Our Council, under the guidance of our spiritual directors, has endeavored to keep up to date. In March, 1966, Father Spence showed us slides of Vatican Councils I & II, which he had of officially attended, and provided a personal commentary. Subsequently, with Father Spence as our resource person, we held ' panel discussions, open to all members of the parish, on Sunday evenings during the winter.
In 1969 we studied articles taken from Fr. Crowe' s book, "A Time of Change", and from "The Sign" magazine. In 1970, research done on parish councils was reviewed at the May and June meetings. In 1971 and 1972, Father Scanlan read selected articles on moral topics at our meetings. A few of our members have attended the adult education classes provided for the past three years by our Separate School Board in Belleville. Ecumenical services have been held in our community from 1965 on, several of them in Sacred Heart Church. Our C.W.L. members have taken an active part in them all.
We now hold our monthly meetings in the parish hall following an evening mass, at which some C.W.L. member usually reads the lesson. Our February meeting is still the one designated "Grandmothers' Night". Our various conveners are each responsible for the program at our Meetings, and invariably give us something entertaining, informative and challenging. Our May Meeting is usually a membership drive. It is sometimes a tea, sometimes a pot-luck supper, and in 1972 was a wine and cheese party.
Money-making has not been forgotten in our effort to conform to the broader image of the Christian's role. Fund-raising schemes are catering to weddings and banquets; our annual bazaar, mercifully reduced in 1971 by Father Scanlan to a one-day affair; rummage sales; bake sales; card parties; draws.
Some of the causes which have received our support from time to time are-
Save A Family Plan - for assistance to the poor in India -
Madonna House, Combermere
a school at Davis Inlet, Labrador, operated by an Oblate missionary
Hope Fund
opposition to the abortion bill
all centennial projects in the community
Christmas stockings, filled in June, and shipped to Northern Canadian Missions
foreign missions in India, Africa and Dominican Republic
Girl Guides
Members of our Council assist in local canvasses, e.g. Red Cross, C.N.I.B., etc. Press reports are sent to three newspapers serving our area. Get-well cards, sympathy cards, Mass Cards, and baby gifts are sent to our parishioners. A prize of $100.00 is given to the student from the parish with the highest average in grade 13 each year. The Rosary is recited in a body at deceased members' wakes. Light refreshments are served in the parish hall after funerals when requested.
Miss Mary Warren and Mrs.William Monk, past presidents, served on the Diocesan Council. We are justly proud to record that the present capable Diocesan President is Mrs. Breen O'Connor from Marmora. She is also Chairman of the Hastings-Prince Edward County R.R.S.Board. Another past president of the CWL, Mrs. Charles Brady, is now serving on the Diocesan Pastoral Council.
This year our Council will host the annual diocesan convention in May. All signs point to another ten years of healthy development "For God and Canada".
Marmora, Ont. January 22, 1973
Helen Brady (Mrs. Charles Brady)
January 1973 to Feb. 1978
1965 Elizabeth Gaffney Oldest CWL member
1968 CWL Father Scanlon
The spiritual director during most of this period was Rev. Gerald Scanlan, who was appointed to our parish in 1967, and who observed the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood in May , 1977. He was replaced by Father Patrick-J. Carty on June 30, 1977.
Our C.WL. Council over these past five years has kept up the good work in the fields mentioned previously in this history. We note from the minutes of this period that:
The practice of holding only seven monthly meetings each.year, with a committee chairman in Charge of programme each month, was begun in 1972 and has been continued.
The annual fees were raised to $2.00 in April, 1974 and to $3.00 in 1977.
Grandmothers'Night was changed from chilly February to mellow October in 1973.
Since 1973 the Senior Citizens of our community have been our guests at a card party on or about April 26th, the Feast of our Lady of Good Council, each year.
The First Sunday of May has been observed as "C.W.L. Sunday", and mother and-daughter Communion breakfasts have become a May feature.
An announcement in May, 1974, stated that non-Catholic women may now join the C.W.L. as voting members, but may not hold office.
Catering charges for weddings, banquets and receptions have been revised twice in this period. Lunches after-funerals have been provided, in the parish hall and in homes, free of charge.
Service pins were presented to six members at a Christmas party on Dec. 8th, 1974;
25-year scrolls were presented to thirty-six members on another occasion;
on May 2nd, 1976, past presidents pins were presented to those still living in the parish who had not previously received them. In this connection, it is a matter of interest and of history that our council has presented a past president's pin to each retiring president from 1969 on. Apresident's pin was presented to the 'incoming president in 1965, and it is passed on to each new president. A parish honorarium to the retiring president was started by Father Healey in 1964, and has been continued.
To return to the events of the past five years;
A Day of Recollection, conducted by father Peter Nearing, of Combermere was held in November , 1973. 0ur Council sponsored another one of those excellent spiritual exercises in March, 1977, and again in November 1978, with a Day of Prayer conducted by Sisters Joan Driscoll and Alma Lavelle of Peterborough;
A team from our Council assisted in the preparatory organization for a week-long retreat, held November 16-22, 1974, and conducted by Father John Ward, , Father Gerry Byrne, Sister Alberta Gallagher, and Miss Patricia Brennan.
With the formation of the Parish Council early in 1975, the CW.L. Council was happy to assume a role of' less responsibility.
On the occasion of the l50th anniversary of Sacred Heart Parish , Marmora, observed in June, 1975, a one-day, dignified and very warm celebration, we purchased a suitably engraved chalice for the parish, and we sold memorial plates.
At the 150th anniversary of the diocese , in Kingston in 1976, one of our members, Mrs. Breen O'Connor (Lillian), was the deserving recipient of a papal honor-, the pro ecclesia medal, Lillian is presently serving on the Provincial level of the C.W.L. as 1st. Vice President.
One of our members made the preliminary arrangements for a successful Christopher Course given in the parish hall in the fall of 1974. In May of 1973, the Kingston Diocesan Convention was hosted by the Marmora Council and held in Be11eville. The Provincial Convention, hosted by Kingston diocese in Kingston in July 1977, was co-convened by one of our members , Mrs. William Meehan (Dorothy ), who is at this time President of the Diocesan Executive;
Another member, was Mrs. Thomas Brady (Wilma) 'is corresponding Secretary on the Diocesan Executive and Mrs. Paul Brady (Leona ) is Program Convener for the diocese.
The Share Lent Program, begun here about 1972, has grown steadily, and is evidence of our members' concern for others. Many of' our members participated in the Pro-Life March on Parliament Hill in November, 1973; and on December 11 1977, 2 members attended the Pro-Life Lobby at Queen's Park Toronto. Many more have consistently supported anti-abortion campaigns in various ways.
Since 1975 we have participated in the local Sidewalk Sale and the fall fair, with promotional displays of league programs. Crafts, baked goods draw tickets for handmade articles were sold at the same time. We took part in activities during Marmora's Homecoming week in June. 1977, with a tea and craft show, which involved many of our talented members.
An effort to obtain a traffic light at the intersection of highways 7 and 14 was initiated by our Council in 1974, and was crowned with success in 1976. In the summer of 1976 we purchased new stage curtains for our parish hall at a cost of $378.20. These replaced the original green velour ones that had lasted twenty-five years. In 1977 we also purchased a C.W.L. banner for our Council, at a cost of a little over one hundred dollars. In February of 1978 artificia1 silk flowers were purchased by our Council for use on the main altar during the winter months.
Vigilance concerning pornographic literature in local outlets in 1976 has been rewarded by the co-operation of our businessmen and by the spread of this vigilance to other centres. (A continuing concern as evidenced by the 1994 article at left)
Eligibility requirements for the C.W.L. $100 award to a secondary school honour graduate of this parish were changed in January, 1977. An excellent program and panel discussion on alcoholism, open to the public, was hosted by our Council in March,1977. This year, 1978, for the first time, we are having a cook-book published, which will contain the favourite recipes of 100 of our members.
The wearing of uniforms at Sacred Heart School, introduced in September, 1957, at Father Healey's request and sponsored by the C.W.L. This request was discontinued in September, 1975 - a reflection of changing times and attitudes.
Mrs. Charles Brady (Helen)
Historian, February 17, 1978
To honour the service of all the dedicated long-standing members, it has become traditional for our Council to present 25, 40, 50 and 60 year pins. And for the first time in our Council, Maple Leaf Service pins were presented to seven members in 1974: Mrs. Rita Bedore, Mrs Ada Brady, Miss Mary Hughes, Mrs. Monica Hughes, Mrs. Hilda Lajoie, Mrs. Madeleine Maloney, and Mrs. Alice Sheridan. The diocesan executive presented this pin to Mrs. Dorothy Meehan in 1979, and to Mrs. Annie Wilman in 1999. To encourage membership by our young women, a successful Catholic Girls' League was started by our Council in 1999 for girls aged eight to fifteen. For many years, membership month of May was celebrated at a Sunday brunch with a speaker and entertainment. It was a real treat for the girls and ladies of the parish to be served by the men.
In June 1981 the 50th Anniversary of Marrnora's C.W.L. Charter was celebrated with His Grace; Archbishop Wilhelm present. On this occasion, our Council presented a paschal candle holder to the parish. In 1994 in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Sacred Heart as a parish, our Council presented an engraved chalice to the parish.
The New Millennium 2000 was a time of wonderful celebrations throughout the country, and our community. The Church's Jubilee Year was marked with many joyous occasions; a time for reflection and a time for renewed hope and peace. On March 26th our Council held a Celebration of the Jubilee Day for Women, a joint program by the C.W.L. and the Catholic Girls' League.
To list all the good works and commend the people responsible for them would be impractical, but suffice to say that our current membership of 97 ladies continue to support spiritual and temporal activities with a dedication which aptly reflects their motto "For God and Canada." Under the guidance of Our Lady of Good Counsel, our League will continue to flourish.
1996 Annie Wilman, Marjorie Bedore & Ada Brady quilt for raffle
Below - 1998 Project Love
Canada Day Parade 2003
1997 CWL Report on 75th anniversary convention
The year 2000: Resolution re embryonic cells
At this year's Convention, a normally busy part of diocesan business hardly made the agenda; only one resolution was presented and approved. It came from St.John's Council in Gananoque and requested that the Federal Minister of Health strike a viable Ethics Review Commission for the study and possible establishment of appropriate standards pertaining to harvesting, research and development and use of embryonic stem cells. Marmora's CWL presented the Diocesan Convention with an excellent recommendation regarding procedures for petitioning various levels'of government.
The year 2000 -Thanks from Father Shawn
My dear friends:
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your contribution to making my first Mass of Thanksgiving, the luncheon and dinner following, the true success and reflection of Marmora hospitality which they were. The Lord Jesus has been and is so generous to me in so many ways. I am so deeply grateful for the way in which you have imitated His generosity to me: the gifts of the spectacular sanctuary flower arrangements by Audrey and Buck Mantle, Marmora's string ensemble, Carpe Diem, and their gift of music, the parish's spiritual bouquet, and the beautiful catholic Women's League and Knights of Columbus stoles. I am deeply grateful for the parish's incredibly generous gifts of the Luncheon following my first Mass of Thanksgiving and the evening dinner and for the, equally incredibly generous, effort which went into making them the wonderful successes they were. I would like to thank Mr. Joe Maccauley and the Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs. Ileen Healey, the luncheon convener, Mrs. Dorothy Meehan and Mrs. Francis Eiiis; the dinner conveners who so generously prepared and served the food, those who helped set up the hall and the many who worked so hard behind the scenes assisting in the planning, preparation and clean up. I will be forever in your debt for your contributions in making the celebration surrounding the most important event in my life so wonderful. As I told the ladies at the Catholic Women's League meeting this Tuesday past, the highest compliment I can pay them is to say that if Mom were here to plan this herself the luncheon and dinner could not have been nicer. Many, many thanks. I am deeply grateful for Father Brennan's spiritual guidance and for his ongoing interest, support and friendship over the past six years. I would also like to thank the entire parish for your prayers, your wonderful words of encouragement and support, your beautiful cards and generous gifts. I have offered one of my first Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the "Intentions of the Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish."
Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I begin this exciting journey in the Lord's service. Also, please pray for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life, especially from those in our parish here at Sacred Heart whom God is calling.
In Christ, Father Shawn Hughes
1921-Nov. 30 to 1923-Apr 18 First branch meeting held at Marmora, President Mrs. Charles McWilliams - nee Susan Sullivan (1873-1963)
1923-Apr. 18 to 1924 Apr 8 First annual meeting of Mamora sub-division of the CWL President Mrs. Charles McWilliams
1924-Apr. 8-1925 Sept 18 Mrs. Timothy Clement - nee Margaret Foley (1872- 1951) Moved to Windsor, ending term
1935-Apr.-1936 Apr 28 Mrs. John Paquet - nee Anna Nina Driscoll (1883-1943) Annual meeting held in the Separate School
1936- Apr. 28-1938-May 25 Mrs. Edward D. O'Connor/nee Madue Hogan (1879-1980)
1938-May 25- 1940-Apr 23 Miss Gertrude Maloney (R.N.)
1940-Apr 23-1942-Jan 30 Miss Anna Foley (Deloro school teacher) Resigned due to ill health
1942-Jan.30-1944-Apr. 28 Mrs. James Black - nee Essie Cecilia Steenburg (1900-1963)
1944 - Apr. 28-1946 - Apr. Mrs. Edward O'Connor - nee Maude Hogan (1879-1980)
1946- Apr. - 1948-Apr. 27 Mrs. James Black - nee Essie Cecilia Steenburg
1948-Apr. 27-1949, Apr. 10 Mrs. Charles Cook - nee Mary Marguerite Forestell (1895-1983)
1949-Apr.10-1950-Apr.25 Mrs. Charles Cook re-elected
1950-Apr.25-1952-Apr. 22 Mrs. Charles Brady - nee Helen Josephine McHenry (1914-1986)
1952-Apr 22-1953-Apr. 28 Mrs. Bernard William Hughes - nee Marjorie Genevieve Duck (1902-1988)
1953-Apr. 28-1953 Dec. 13 Mrs. William Shannon - nee Dorena Margaret Gehan (1911-1995)
1953-Dec 13-1954-Apr.21 Mrs. Donald Shannon - nee Joanna Rose Mullin (1897-1990)
1954-Apr 21-1955-Apr.28 Mrs. Arnold Maxwell Jones nee Helen Theresa Gaffney (1907-2004)
1955-Apr 28-1957-May30 Mrs. Charles Cooke - nee Mary Marguerite Forestell (1895-1983)
1957-May 30-1959 Apr Mrs. Donald Shannon - nee Joanna Rose Mullen (1897-1990)
1959 Apr-1961-Apr 13 Mrs. Breen O'Connor - nee Lillian Kennedy
1959-Apr-1961-Apr 13 Mrs. Breen O'Connor - nee Lillian Kennedy
1961-Apr 13- 1963 -Apr. 22 Miss Mary Theresa Warren (1920-1992)
1963-Apr. 22-1963-Sept. 14 Mrs. Donald Shannon - nee Joanna Rose Mullin (1897-1990
1963 Sept. 14-1964-Apr. 13 Miss Mary Theresa Warren (1920-1992)
1964-Apr. 13- 1965 Apr. Mrs. Thomas Hanley - nee Jean Mary Elgeti (193? - present)
1965-Apr. - 1967 May 1 Mrs. Breen O'Connor
1967-May 1- 1969 Apr. 21 Mrs. William Monk - nee Margaret Louise Shannon (1921-present)
1969-Apr. 21-1971- Apr. 12 Mrs. Patrick Joeseph O'Neill - nee Marie Helena Brownson (1910- )
1971- Apr. 12-1973-Apr. 18 Mrs. William Meehan - nee Dorothy Mary Hart (1939-present)
1973-Apr 18-1975 Apr. Mrs. Paul Brady - nee Leona Hegadoren
1975- Apr - 1977 Apr Mrs. Thomas Brady - nee Wilma McKinnon
1977 Apr. - 1979 Apr. Mrs. Joseph Maloney - nee Beverley Driscoll
1979 Apr. - 1981 Apr. Mrs. Michael Maloney - nee Marilyn Sproul
1981 Apr. - 1983 Apr. 4 Miss Monica Blute
1983 Apr. 4 - 1985-Apr. Mrs. Harold Wilman - nee Annie Hulsman
1985 Apr- 1987 - Apr. Mrs. Jack )'Connor - nee Isabella Warren
1987 - Apr. - 1989-Apr. 4 Mrs. Cassibo/nee Norine
1989-Apr. 4 - 1991-Apr. Nora Blanche
1991 - Apr - 1993-Apr. Mrs. Michael Callery - nee Anne Victoria Bronson
1993 Apr. - 1995 - Apr. Mrs. John Tilley - nee Cathy ?
1995-Apr. - 1997 Apr. 1 Mrs. Ina MacFarlane/ nee Mantle
1997-Apr. - 1999 Mrs. William Meehan - nee Dorothy Hart