Car accidents,  drownings, fires, murders, shooting,  suicides, train accidents and other bizarre tragedies.

11 McGill St. - The Prout house, also known as the Laura Foley house, with Herb Wright's car.

 Fatal Injury of Leo (Arno) Renaud -  Charges Against George Vilneff Were Withdrawn -Jan 1935

Click here to read story

Brian Uniake




Elliott Smash up Banker son in Belleville - NO DATE, BUT CAR IN BACKGROUND GIVES A HINT

                                                        1939  Fred Cooper

The Shooting Event and Death of James “Squeak” Reynolds

Written and contributed by Lou Wilson


These stories are embedded within the pages of "Our Waterways".  Just click on the line and you will be taken to the page.  

July 14, 1943 - Helen Jackson drowns in Deer River

Nagel Jackson was born in 1931 and is seen here with his sister Helen (1928-1943) heading off to school at Rockdale from the Fish Hatchery.

1978 Drowning on Crowe River  - Burlington & Stenton


The Disappearance of Billie Balvers,  1969


Donna and Cathie Walton ,  March 1970

Stewart Airhart 1921 Lightening Strike   

James Leonard Found in a Well Nov. 5, 1934

1995 Tree falls on Rodine House

Myers family escapes carbon monoxide poisoning

July 18, 1935 -  William Murphy -Flying hammer head

1970 Dalton Vilneff - Injured by Falling Tree

1970 dalton vilneff

1938    Mrs. Sandford Lawrence's house struck by lightening

Marmora Herald   March 12, 1936

Bert Gray,  four year old son of Mrs. Percy Gray,  had the ends cut off three of this fingers last Friday.  He undertook to cut some kindling. Don Smith,  a year older than Bert,  wielded the axe while he held the block upright.  Unfortunately the axe came down on Bert's fingers,  cutting off the end of his mitt,  along with the three fingers.

A shocking accident occurred on Tuesday
afternoon as a result of which Miss Susie Flynn lost her life. She was alone at her home at the time and was doing a washing. Owing to
the pump not working, the water was drawn from the cistern through a trap door in the floor. After drawing water she had apparently left the trap door open and in carrying on her work in some way had stepped back, falling into the cistern. It appears that in falling she tried to catch a chair, as a chair was knocked over near
the opening to the cistern. The water
in the cistern was only about four feet deep, but the walls of the cistern were about seven feet high, so that it was impossible to get out without assistance.
Evidently Miss Flynn lived for some time
after falling in the water as her hands and knees were bruised and torn by the desperate efforts she had made to escape.

Her aged mother, who lived with her, had gone for the day to the home of her son Edward, who was ill, and her brother
John, for whom she kept house, was driving
the mail route that day for Edward, owing to the latter's illness. On his way round he stopped at the house and he discovered the tragedy. Relatives and
friends were at once notified and also the
Coroner, Dr. Harper, of Madoc. After visiting the scene of the accident, and learning the particulars as nearly as they could be determined, the Coroner decided an inquest was unnecessary.
The deceased was a daughter of the late
David Flynn and Mrs. Flynn. Besides her
aged mother, who is seventy-eight years
old, she is survived by six brothers and four sisters. They are Davi.d and James,of Deloraine, Manitoba, Patrick of Seymour Township; William, of Marmora; John and Edward of Marmora Township; Mrs. John Sullivan and Mrs. John McCullough, of Marmora, Mrs. Alphonse Madden, of Peterboro, and Mrs. Harry Warren, of Marmora Township.
The sympathy of the whole community will
go out to the bereaved family in their trouble. A large number of friends will also deeply regret the passing of one who
was esteemed for her ready sympathy and
many admirable qualities.
March 17, 1921


Sept 29, 1932  COLIN CHISHOLM  
A former popular resident of Marmora  passed away under most distressing circumstances at his home on the 6th concession of Sidney last Thursday in the person of Colin Chisholm. The deceased had been in poor health
recently, but kept around assisting
with the work on his farm. Thursday morning he went out to feed his pigs and when he had not returned to the house by noon his sister went to look for him and found him with his head in a whey barrel.
There was evidence that he had been sitting on a bag of feed along side the barrel and when he got up he fell striking his head on the barrel, as there was a bruise on the top of his head. The fact there was no whey or water in his lungs would also indicate that he had
expired as he fell head first into the
barrel. Dr. McMullen, of Frankford,
was called and pronounced life extinct.
The Provincial police investigated and decided an inquest was unnecessary. The late Colin Chisholm was forty-three
years of age and most of his life was spent on the Chisholm farm just south of the village. He was always very popular here, his kindly cheerful disposition winning him numerous friends.
He is survived by two brothers, Murney and Clarence and one sister, Miss Eliza Chisholm. He was unmarried.The funeral   was held Saturday forenoon, service being conducted at his home after which the remains were brought to Marmora Protestant cemetery for interment.

November 5, 1936  Maurice McInroy Falls

Early Sunday afternoon Maurice Mclnroy, younger son of Mr. andMrs. Donald Mclnroy, fell from a swing in Mr. Wilbert Bedore's yard. He landed on his head sustaining injuries which proved fatal. Following the accident he was taken into the horne of Mr. Bedore and a doctor was called. As the injured lad failed to respond to medical treatment, about 5 o'clock he was taken to Belleville General Hospital by Dr. R. Taft, but passed away shortly after entering the hospital. He was in his ninth year and was a pupil of Marmora Public School and St. Paul's Sunday School. About three years ago the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mclnroy passed away and the sympathy of the community goes out to them in their bereavement. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon and was attended by a large number of school children as well as adults. Service was conducted in St. Paul's Church by Rev. A. B. Caldwell and interment took place in Marmora Protestant Cemetery.

 1924 Harry Wallace Warren Electrocuted

1936 Gerald Smith caught in machinery and killed

1940 Donald Ellis is killed by dynamite




 The village of Marmora was shocked early this morning on hearing of the death of Miss Hilda Thompson, 29 year old member of the Marmora Public School staff who was found dead from exposure on ice covered land between the village skating rink and Crowe River.  The body was found about 4 a.m. by a search party composed of Constable P. Gray, F. S. Johnston, T. R. Wells, N. Mumby and W. C. Spry.

 Missed from her room about 2 o’clock, F. S. Johnston, a neighbour was notified, who in turn got in touch with Constable Gray and a search party was quickly organized.  The deceased girl was clad only in her night attire and it is believed while sleep walking she stepped into the river but made her way to the shore for the body was found a fair distance from the bank.  Suffering from a nervous breakdown, the late Miss Thompson had been granted leave of absence from her school duties.

 A daughter of Dr. David and Mrs. Thompson of the village, she leaves to mourn the loss, one sister Jean of New York City and one brother James at home.  She was an ardent member of St. Andrew’s United Church and deeply interested in the welfare of young children. Marmora Herald1936/1937 ( we are not sure of year as the print is faded)

1934 Suicide of William Smith

1901 The suicide of Alex Larravae at the Marmora Cooperage


Mr. Frank Meyers of North Marmora died very suddenly at the Royal Hotel this forenoon.  He came into town about ten o’clock and after doing a little shopping went to the stable and asked the hostler if he could lay down on the hay for a few minutes as he was not feeling well. The hostler fixed a place and be lay down. He covered him up with several robes and left him. On returning shortly after the hostler tried to arouse him but was unable to do so. He hurried for the Doctor but before they could get back the man was dead.

Deceased leaves a wife and six children who will have the sympathy of the community in their terrible bereavement.

Dr. Mackechnie, Coroner,  made post mortem examination and easily discovered that death was due to strychnine  poison. Deceased had been out of his mind for some time and took this means of ending his life. The poison was bought at the drug store and mixed with whisky which he drank. Marmora Herald  March 5,  1908