12 Forsyth Street
The Marett Boys, Don, Jim & Doug, 1932
In October, 1951, James Stafford Marett started construction on a new cement block building measuring 80 ft, by 20 ft. immediately to the north of the F. N. Marett & Co. building and in April, 1952, the Marett Hardware store was officially opened to the public.
In the summer of 1970, Leo Provost moved his sporting goods store from the old Dunlay building into the former Beare Real Estate building.
In March, 1978, Leo Provost sold his sporting goods business to Larry and Joan Baldwin. The name of the store, Leo's Sport Store remained the same. Larry, Joan and their son Philip operated the sport store, small engine repair shop and the Ministry of Ontario (M.T.O.) Licensing Bureau at 12 Forsyth Street until Larry's death in 2016.
In 1953, James Marett had an extension measuring 20 ft. by 16 ft. built to the rear of his new store for storage and a workshop.
In January, 1969, Peter Beare's Real Estate brokerage firm opened their office in the former Marett Hardware store.